I’m using GhettoVCB to backup my ESXi 7.0 (free version) to an NFS share. The NFS share is advertised by a VM on the ESXi host using a pass-through USB device for storage.
File Locations
0 5 * * * /opt/ghettovcb/bin/ghettoVCB.sh -f /vmfs/volumes/DS_02/Scripts/vms_to_backup -g /vmfs/volumes/DS_02/Scripts/ghettoVCB.conf > /dev/null
Restart cron
kill -$(cat /var/run/crond.pid)
NFS uses TCP and UDP port 2049, so they are allowed through firewall
Backup one VM using m option
./opt/ghettovcb/bin/ghettoVCB.sh -m [vm] -g /vmfs/volumes/DS_02/Scripts/ghettoVCB.conf